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Episode 5: Overwhelm & Emotional Eating

Season #1 Episode #5

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Have you ever eaten a huge bowl of ice cream, a whole bag of chips, or Âľ to a whole pizza pie because you were stressed, overwhelmed, sad, depressed, or just plain bored?

We have all been there. 

What do all of these foods have in common? They are all refined carbohydrates or sugars.

What do stress, overwhelm, sadness, depression, and boredom have in common? They are all emotions.

Many times, we will buffer with food instead of choosing to feel our emotions. 

Buffering means that you are literally doing anything else than experiencing the emotion. This could be literally scrubbing the floor, watching TV, playing games on your phone, or eating.

Unconsciously, we want to feel comfort. And honestly, it may work in the moment because we are getting that dopamine surge, the feel-good hormone. But this doesn’t last. Now you’ve eaten all the things and are still left with the initial emotion that you were avoiding.

Here is an example of an unintentional thought process: 

Thought: I am overwhelmed because the world has given me too much to do and it’s not fair.

Feeling: Anxious

Action: Thought spiral continues, avoid the feeling by eating food.

Result: Nothing gets accomplished; no work, tasks or self-care & I gain weight, great.

 This seems like a pity-party when we are going over it out loud.

There is a better way.

Here is an example of an intentional thought process: 

Thought: I have plenty of time for the things that I choose to do.

Feeling: Control

Action: Plan ahead – child care, self-care, work in my business, taking care of patients, saying no when I don’t want to do something

Result: I accomplish what I decide I will accomplish, and when. No buffering with food.


Here is the secret. You have full control right now to change the way you are feeling. Only you have the power to be able to do that. Your thoughts create your feelings. Nothing else external can create a feeling. Only your thought about something in the world. 

 This is amazing because it means that you have direct control over what actions you take and the results you will see in your life. 


So let’s get you started today:

1.     I want you to think about a situation where you may be tempted to eat something unhealthy that you really don’t want to eat.

2.     Then decide what feeling or emotion you need to generate to be able to make the healthy decision.

3.     Finally, what thought can you have prepared and ready to go next time this situation rears its ugly head?


*Disclaimer: I am a medical doctor, I am not your doctor.  So the things I teach about are not to be used as medical advice.  You should consult your physician to discuss what is best for you personally.