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Episode 7: Water for Weight Loss

Season #1 Episode #7

How much water should you drink per day to lose weight?

The right answer is that it depends on your health, your weight, and your activity level. 

There are some medical conditions that affect the heart, liver, and kidneys where physicians will advise to restrict water intake.

Generally, though, we recommend that healthy people take in about 8 cups per day. This is 64oz or about 2 liters of water.

You can make this more enjoyable by added fruit such as cucumbers, lemons, or oranges!

If you are exercising or working hard and sweating you will need more throughout the day.

If that is the case, take breaks and listen to your thirst.

Another way to guide your hydration is through your urine. Your urine should be clear or a light-yellow color. If it is dark, you are behind on fluids and dehydrated. 

Dehydration can lead to weakness, fatigue, low blood pressure, confusion and dizziness & it can happen quick.

Pay attention to this to stay healthy, increase your energy and help lose weight.

How exactly does drinking water help us lose weight?

-       First and fore most it increases our satiety, this is the feeling of being “full” for about 30 minutes 

-       If your brain is telling you to eat and you don't think that you are physically hungry, drink a glass of water and recheck in with your body

-       Learn the difference between your brain wanting food for dopamine or comfort and your physiological hunger signals

-       It aids in digestion, and improves constipation by keeping our bowels regular

-       It stabilized our gut flora which removes toxins and decreases inflammation


Other benefits: 

-       Improves circulation to give oxygen to our brain and organs

-       Improves immune system so we get sick less or get better quicker if we are sick

-       Regulates body temperature

-       Less UTIs and kidney stones

-       Hydration before exercise improves performance

-       Hydration after reduces soreness by flushing lactic acid, cushioning the joints and stabilizing electrolytes

I challenge you to track your water for 30 days and see if there is a difference in the way you feel. Use a water bottle with measurements on it so that you know how much water you are actually drinking throughout the day.

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